Dear fools,
Firstly, I must ask you to actually SHOW this letter on the website. Previously I wrote a time-consuming email disproving your fictional claims, and you didn't publish it, presumably for matters relating to your pride, ego and sheer incompetence, as well as your stubborness even though you have the whole world telling you your claims are ridiculous.
Dear Geoffrey Wheatcroft, You Suck. Love (Psych), ICBR
Philadelphia, PA ? September 20, 2007
British author/columnist/ungrateful-prick Geoffrey Wheatcroft made an impassioned plea for the United Kingdom to discontinue its close alliance with the United States in his Wednesday op-ed piece in the New York Times. Postulating that the only positive outcome of ?this really terrible war in Iraq? would be the cessation of the ?special relationship? between Britain and the U.S., Wheatcroft cited the anti-American posturing of new P.M. Gordon Brown and the British Army?s recent retreat from Basra as possible indicators of such a sea change. The ICBR would like take this opportunity to write our own op-ed piece.
What the crap are you talking about Geoffrey Wheatcroft? Yeah, maybe we have had an on-off relationship since the end of the 18th Century but that's mainly because you fought two wars against us, and supported our opposition in at least one other war. And despite all that, the US has come to your rescue on numerous occasions, throwing the soul of our nation at problems of your creation. Maybe it?s us who should be considering breaking up with you as you check out on us in Iraq. And leave us our 32 trillion dollars on your way out the door.
This really made my day, and is a testament to the sheer incompetence and basic immorality of the American culture. I believe Britain should cut its
ties with America - America is only corrupting Britain. In addition, the author is an idiot and a hypocrite. Yes, we've had an on-off relationship
because we've fought two wars - wars we were actually entitled to fight. You're telling me that if a revolution occurred tomorrow in Alaska the
trigger-happy military wouldn't rush in there and calm it down? Of course they would, and torch the whole place probably in their usual way of messing
everything up. The War of 1812 saw us declare war on each other after you flouted simple requests from the British Government to check your ships to
ensure you did no trade with an empire the world hated and one which abused human rights! Then you invaded Canada, were easily repulsed and moaned when the British torched Washington. Truly pathetic. You have a point in mentioning that, yes, you helped Britain in the Second World War, but you also hesitated in joining in the fight against clearly the greatest evil the world had ever known. Yet you stayed there, claiming it was Europe's problem, when Britain could see it was the world's issue and essentially bankrupted themselves and weakened their empire to ensure the evil was vanquished and peace prevailed. Also, America wouldn't exist if Britain has basically founded it. After independence you only stayed afloat and averted bankruptcy because Britain invested in America and traded with it. You became independent so you weren't subjects of a monarch; you are now the slaves of a President and an immoral government. Very intelligent America. Yet you look at Britain, perfectly fine, living well while you drown in your own obesity, drugs and immorality while the Queen makes sure all of her
subjects sleep easy at night. The idiot, and you idiots, also want us to pay 32 trillion dollars. Did you know that Britain is now, once again, the
finance capital of the world? Do you want to bankrupt the new "Wall Street"and subsequently economically ruin and impoverish the world? Probably. You're stupid enough to, with your poor education and values. This site is so hypocritical and ridiculous it pains me to read it yet I have a duty to others to ensure the truth is heard. You moan that a public school won't let a girl wear a purity ring - only one side of the story anyway - yet you forget your's aren't getting an education. The other day Americans let a woman DIE on the pavement, stepping over her and taking pictures of her, but not lending a hand. Yet the British are famous for good values and a good spirit - something you are lacking. The world doesn't like America for a reason - it's destroying everything the world - and previous world powers like Britain - stood for. You people obviously have never stepped into a Social Studies classroom, or History classroom, to properly evaluate this,but rather the idea of everybody getting $8,000 is "cool", even if it is wrong. You make me sick because you are wrong, and do not think that if this immorality of yours ensures the money is paid, it will cost the world a lot more than $8,000 per person.
A Proud Subject of the Queen
ICBR Response to Letter:
Dear guy who wrote calling us �fools,�
Bollocks! You really must be as daft as your correspondences have made you out to be. You sir, take the cake when it comes to sheer idiocy; we are actually quite amazed that your email didn�t come through with a stamp attached.
Believe us, we will take the time out of our very busy schedule to make sure our particular email is posted online in its deficient entirety. You must
not realize how lucky you are that your email was read in the first place. We employ a lottery system to sift through the thousands of emails we
receive daily and you just happened to win (we felt rather good about that because it is painfully clear that you didn�t win the brain lottery at birth). Anyway, we don�t really feel the need to address any of your sub quality points of argument because they have either already been addressed previously, are completely wrong in the context of historical academic community tenets, or, quite frankly, retarded.
We can offer you a couple suggestions that might ease the mental stress these issues of weighty intellectual proportions might have caused you.
First off, try paying more attention to current events. You might find condolences in the fact that many organizations and individuals around the
world have rallied to our cause for reparations (HINDRAF is perhaps the latest example). Also, may we suggest reading The Evil Empire again but
simply looking at the pictures rather than trying to figure out what all those words mean as they clearly surpass your cognitive capabilities. The
illustrations are quite good and might possibly lower the material level just enough that you can start to grasp some of the books more basic
concepts. Finally, you might want to start putting some money aside. We have caught wind that when the global community forces the British Crown to face their financial reparation responsibilities they might decide to introduce a �reparations tax� upon their subjects to ease their own financial burden
Good day sir,