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International Coalition for British Reparations: People of the World, it's Time to get Paid.

Letter To The ICBR: RE: A Load of Rubbish


What a load of rubbish, I am a university lecturer of history, and to be perfectly honest if i had to live under any empire of history, I would have wanted to live under the british empire. We did not force the populace of any nation to be 'Britainized'. We presereved native cultures. Unlike America who from 1806- 1870 expanded their borders by forcing native culture to become indoctranted into the american system. And if you really think that the British government is going to take a minutes notice of you, you are truly insane?

ICBR Response to Letter:

Dear Mimi,

The ICBR humbly suggests that you pay closer attention to the factual nature of any claims that you might make under the guise of your scholarly position. As an academic you have a responsibility to maintain a certain level of academic integrity; making erroneous claims about historical events reflects poorly upon not only yourself at both a personal and professional level, but upon the educational institution you represent as well. Perhaps your lack of sound research practices is responsible for your lack of promotion beyond lecturer status. We can only be thankful that you do not hold a position of higher repute; a title of reader or professor would lend more false legitimacy to your fallacious assertions.

Because the ICBR has more pressing matters than correcting history hobbyists such as yourself I will briefly outline a few facts that fly in the face of your beliefs. If you wish to research these matters further, you can find them in the library shelved under truths (for your benefit, that was sarcasm). Three examples of British imperial subjugation and complete disregard for the sanctity of native cultures are as follows: British establishment, maintenance and profiteering from the African slave trade (both public and private), British enslavement of the Chinese populace in the form of opium addiction, and British attempts at Britainization in Ireland following the 1801 Act of Union and subsequent persecution of Irish Catholics in favor of the Anglican Church.

Thanks for wasting our time,

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